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setting up an app

step one is creating an application at
here, specifically:
you may need to re-click this ^ link after logging in, it tends to dump you at the site root after login

don't stress or overthink this: you can change the app's name, you can re-issue its keys, you can create a bunch of different applications. it costs nothing and Bungie won't yell at you for making ten apps, or for never using your keys

some fields you'll see:

Application Name

whatever makes you happy. this will display in all caps when someone goes through the process of granting your application access to their game account


this mainly shows up in your application details if someone visits their app history or "authorized apps" page

Origin Header

this is only needed if your application is a website and makes API calls directly from a page

for security purposes, browsers disallow a page at "" from getting info from "", unless "" grants permission. this is called CORS. the Origin Header field will cause the API to send back a security header allowing your page to get info from

this should be your domain name, including protocol, with no trailing slash. like
you can cover more than one domain, using one application/api key. just enter multiple URLs here separated by commas.

OAuth fields

a API key is your app's permission to talk to the Destiny 2 API, but OAuth is permission granted by an individual user, to see certain info, or perform certain actions on their behalf. you may not need these following fields.

OAuth Client Type

a Public client requires the user to reauthenticate every hour. a Confidential client gets issued a refresh token, which can keep the access token refreshed for a long time. everyone uses Confidential.

Redirect URL

when a user grants permission to your app, they're sent to this URL with an authorization code. this is where you'd have a webpage or app capable of completing the OAuth flow.


permissions to request when the user logs in. if you change these checkboxes it doesn't change what your app is allowed to do, until the user re-completes auth/login