the manifest/definitions
what are the definitions?
some people call it "the manifest". if you're josh, it's "the definitions".
technically "the manifest" is what you check, to learn where to download "the definitions"
the definitions contain the words, titles, names, images, etc. which help translate raw data like
into friendlier shapes like
"the user has 69420 Legendary Shards"
what aren't they?
- they are static data, updated every few weeks or months. they aren't anyone's current inventory
- they don't have enemy units (dreg/acolyte/etc)
- they don't have sandbox and gameplay numbers/stats
- no range in meters. no damage numbers. the impact & range stats are abstractions
- they don't have accurate magazine stats. these are adjusted by gameplay scripts, and though many seem right/almost, others just aren't
- no XP values
what's next?
- check the defs out
- if you're programming
- learn how to download the definitions data
- how to work with definitions data