presentation nodes
node trees are used to hold lots of data, like Collections, Triumphs, Catalysts, Metrics, Medals, etc.
they're a hierarchical structure where each branch node can have multiple children.
a node's children can be other presentation nodes, collectibles, metrics, craftables, or records (triumphs)
an example:
↙ ↘
PresentationNode armor, mods,
"Weapons" flair, etc
↙ ↘
PresentationNode special,
"Primary" heavy, etc
↙ ↘
PresentationNode sidearms, bows
"Hand Cannons" auto rifles, etc
↙ ↘
Collectible some other hand
"Kindled Orchid" cannon collectibles
root nodes
many of the top level nodes are available through the destiny2CoreSettings
key in the settings endpoint's data
if you want to enumerate collections data, instead of hardcoding 3790247699
in your app, just load the current d2 settings and check the value of collectionRootNode
there's lots of these, including node hashes for collection
, badges
, records
, medals
, metrics
, activeTriumphs
, activeSeals
, legacyTriumphs
, legacySeals
, medals
, exoticCatalysts
, lore
, crafting